Frequently Asked Question

Are the products genuine?

Yes, all the products displayed on our website are 100% genuine. We are official authorized distributors for the companies and official agents in Turkey.

Do you offer shipping to Saudi Arabia?

Yes, we provide shipping services to Saudi Arabia and all Gulf and Arab countries. If you wish to order from other countries, please contact our customer service for further assistance.

Is there an option for cash-on-delivery?

Yes, you can pay upon delivery for orders in Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

What happens if a product gets damaged during shipping?

We take great care in providing high-quality packaging to prevent damage during shipping. In case a product is damaged, it will be promptly replaced and compensated with a new one at no additional cost to the customer.

Is there a return policy?

Yes, you can return products if they are in their original condition, with exceptions for underwear and lingerie, in accordance with local health and trade regulations in Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

What is the expected delivery time?

Typically, orders arrive at your address within an average of five business days, but it may take slightly less or more depending on working days and location.

Do you provide shipment tracking?

Yes, we will provide you with a tracking number to monitor the status of your shipment.

What is the shipping cost to Saudi Arabia?

Shipping costs depend on the order's weight and delivery destination. You can easily calculate the shipping cost on the shopping cart page.

What are the customer service hours?

We are at your service throughout the week from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Riyadh - Istanbul time.

Is technical support available if there are any technical issues?

Yes, we offer technical support for customers experiencing technical difficulties while browsing or making purchases. You can contact our technical support team through the live chat on the website or via email.

What is your experience in e-commerce?

We have extensive experience in the field of e-commerce in the Gulf and Europe. We have been operating in this industry for over 15 years, focusing on being official agents and authorized distributors for European and global companies.

Do you have certificates or reviews from previous customers?

Yes, we have numerous certificates and positive reviews from previous customers. You can read their reviews on the Reviews page.

How do you protect customers' personal information?

We are committed to protecting the privacy of our customers' information. We use advanced security technologies and adhere to strict confidentiality practices.

Do you offer a customer satisfaction guarantee?

Yes, we guarantee customer satisfaction and provide after-sales service to ensure that your expectations are met.

How can I check the status of my order?

You can track the status of your order through the "Track Shipment" page on our website using your order number.

Do you offer a best price guarantee?
  • We offer a best price guarantee that matches the product and service. We provide our customers with only recognized products from official sources.
Can I contact you for inquiries not listed?

We are here to assist you. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any inquiries you may have. We will respond professionally and with complete confidentiality.